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Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Actually a Medical Condition?

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Actually a Medical Condition?

With a global pandemic and a national election, 2020 has been a challenge for many people. These events have affected patients’ health and well being. According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic fatigue is a medical diagnosis that consists of symptoms including the following: new onset headaches, joint or muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, unrefreshed sleep, difficulty with concentration or memory, and post-exertional fatigue lasting over 24 hours. Another name for chronic fatigue is myalgic encephalomyelitis or post exertional myalgia. If you suffer from these nonspecific symptoms for over 6 months and have had a thorough physical exam and no causes have been discovered, you may have chronic fatigue. If you have been told that you have a vitamin deficiency such as B12, then you may have chronic fatigue as well. 
What causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
The onset of this condition more often occurs in the middle ages and can be triggered by viral illnesses, endocrine abnormalities, immune system impairement, or physical or emotional trauma. If left untreated, chronic fatigue can lead to other medical ailments including depression and chronic pain and interruptions in one's work and life. In fact, there is a correlation between chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome, depression/anxiety, and fibromyalgia. Often times, patients with those medical conditions find similar benefit with the recommended treatment.
Can Chronic Fatigue Syndrome be Treated?
At Clover Internal Medicine Associates, we offer IV nutritional therapy which is the treatment of choice for chronic fatigue syndrome. IV infusions may consist of the vitamin B’s, vitamin C, zinc, glutathione, and NAD. Many patients have asked why they cannot just take those vitamins over-the-counter. Intravenous therapy will bypass first metabolism by the gastrointestinal tract thereby providing direct source of the vitamin to the body’s cells. Patients who switched from oral to IV vitamins have reported a noticeable difference. 
How much is IV Nutritional Therapy?
If you have health insurance, call us and find out how your insurance may cover your treatments. Many insurance including medicare plans cover IV therapy. Otherwise, if you opt for cash pay, the treatments start as low as $100 per session and take approximately 30-60 minutes to complete. The recommended frequency of treatments is once a week for 8-12 sessions. Most patients report improvement in symptoms after only three treatments. If you are plaqued by chronic fatigue, call us today.
Dr. Elaine Phuah Board-certified Internal Medicine physician.

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