Blog Archive
A migraine is much more than a severe headache. The condition is actually a neurological disorder that can cause a wide range of symptoms, including the well-known headaches. When you’re having a migraine attack, you might be unable to function for hours or even days, which can quickly wear on...
Obesity is a chronic (long-term) condition defined as having excess body fat. It is diagnosed based on your body mass index (BMI). A BMI over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is the threshold for obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 100 million...
Iron is a nutrient your body needs for many functions, including energy production and immune support. One of iron’s most important jobs, though, is to produce hemoglobin — a molecule in your blood that transports oxygen. When you don’t have enough hemoglobin, your muscles and tissues can’t get the oxygen...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that two in five people in the United States are living with obesity. This long-term (chronic) condition is described as having excess body fat or a body mass index (BMI) over 30. Unfortunately, when you’re obese, even if you feel comfortable...
Whether you’re happy or sad, your eyes are full of tears — three layers of them, in fact. Those tear films are made of oil, water, mucus, and special proteins that keep your eyes moisturized, lubricated, and free of infection. Your tears are created in glands inside your eyes. If...
When a bout of eczema flares up, the only thing bound to be on your mind is to find a way to stop the itching. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that currently has no cure. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to manage eczema, but sometimes it still...
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, so it makes sense that protecting the health of your heart is key to living a long and healthy life. While there are some risk factors for heart disease that you can’t change, such as your age or a family...
Wounds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Whether you cut yourself on a kitchen knife, get road rash from a bike fall, have an incision from a surgical procedure, or develop an ulcer from diabetes, your body has what it needs to heal itself. Your body goes through...
There are many types of lipids in your body. But you’ve probably mostly heard about the main ones commonly referred to as “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Good cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), carries cholesterol to your liver to keep proper cholesterol levels. Without HDL, cholesterol would build up in your...
Eczema is an incredibly common chronic skin condition that causes rashes and your skin to become itchy, dry, red, and flaky. There is no cure for eczema; however, there are plenty of treatment options available. While severe eczema might require professional care, there are some at-home remedies that many people...
Gout is a particularly painful type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid develops in your body and then settles into your joints. While this type of arthritis can affect any of your joints, it typically develops in your feet the most. While many different things can increase...
Your immune system is your first line of defense against infections and dangerous diseases. However, sometimes your immune system can overreact to a substance that’s actually harmless, causing an allergic reaction. For example, if your body thinks tree pollen or pet dander is actually harmful, it can trigger a series...
While vitamin deficiencies might seem like a thing of the past, the truth is that Western diets leave a lot to be desired when it comes to vitamin content. Most diets in the United States consist of packaged and processed foods, red meat, and foods high in saturated fats, along...
Moles and other various marks on your body can be signs of skin cancer, which can be worrisome. But, how do you know if it’s harmless or if the growth is cancerous? Thankfully, there’s a helpful mnemonic device called the “ABCDE” method that’s beneficial for determining when a mole or...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a dangerous health condition that causes the force of your blood pushing against the artery walls to be too high. This leads to artery damage and can even cause more serious issues such as a heart attack or stroke if it’s left unmanaged. One of...
Most of us would agree that it’s much better (and easier) to treat a disease before it’s had time to develop and cause myriads of other health issues. This is why checking in with your primary care physician every year during your annual physical is so important. Elaine Phuah, DO,...
December brings on plenty of holiday gatherings, whether you’re getting together with your friends, family, or co-workers. With all of these social events and interactions comes an increased risk for getting sick. Is your immune system ready? You can typically prepare your immune system by making sure you’re getting plenty...
Many people living in the United States — 60% in fact — struggle with a chronic disease, and diabetes makes up a large majority of those long-term illnesses. However, diabetes can often be prevented. Type 2 diabetes makes up 95% of diabetes cases, and you can prevent its onset through...
The changing of the seasons is usually an exciting time. When autumn rolls around, trees become decked out in their array of vibrant colors, the weather becomes a little crisper, and there’s plenty of fun fall activities to participate in. Unfortunately, fall can bring allergies right along with it. And...
Your eyes are always full of tears, whether you realize it or not. Tears are made up of water and oils that keep your eyes moisturized, lubricated, and free of infection. All of these things come from special glands inside your eyes. If any of these glands aren’t working correctly,...
Colon cancer — also known as colorectal cancer — is the fourth most common type of cancer found in both men and women. It’s also the fourth leading cause of deaths caused by cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, 33% of adults over the age of 50 still aren’t up-to-date on their colon cancer...
Fasting has been a common practice for centuries. While used mainly for religious practices in years past, more recently it’s been found to have numerous health benefits, one of the main ones being weight loss. However, it’s also been shown to improve your blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels, and insulin...
Iron is a very important mineral that your body uses for many of its functions, including the production of hemoglobin, which are the molecules in your blood that help to transport oxygen. If your body doesn’t have enough hemoglobin, your muscles and tissues won’t get enough oxygen to function like...
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that your body needs in order to function. They help your body do things like resist infections, keep your nerves healthy, get energy from food, and keep your blood clotting properly. You can typically get these nutrients from a healthy diet, but sometimes it...
Around 30% of the population in the United States is considered obese. Obesity is usually associated with poor diet and inactivity, but the fact is, it’s not as simple as that. There’s many factors that can greatly increase your risk of obesity, including genetics and environmental factors. At Clover Internal...
COVID-19 and allergies have a lot of similarities. During the winter, illnesses tend to spike, and COVID is no exception. It can be difficult to determine if you’re sick and contagious or if you’re simply battling allergies and safe to be in contact with others. Our team here at Clover...
Cholesterol is a lipid that’s produced by your liver that’s vital for the production of vitamin D, certain hormones, and cell membranes. It’s carried through your bloodstream by different lipoproteins: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). HDL cholesterol is the “good” kind of cholesterol – meaning it transports all...
Chronic wounds are sores or wounds that don’t heal within four weeks. There are many reasons why your wound may not be healing, but no matter the reason, it’s important to seek medical attention for it. Any open wound is a possible entrance for bacteria which can lead to infection,...
If you have a poor diet or stressful life environment, it can really start to take a toll on your body. But your body will try to protect you from disease or any other health issues by producing antioxidants. One of these antioxidants is glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that’s...
There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep. You feel rested and ready to take on the day with a spring in your step. So what should you do if that sleep is elusive? There can be many things that are inhibiting your ability to sleep at night. But one...
People have been dealing with weight problems for years, but obesity as a condition is getting out of control. Even before the pandemic forced many people to stay home, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the prevalence of obesity had increased to nearly 42%...
Go beyond hydration and nourish your body with vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. IV vitamin therapy is the best and fastest way for your body to absorb nutrients and vitamins bypassing the digestive tract. The disadvantages of digestive tract absorption are timing and whether digestive tract system has been compromised leading...
Before we begin, please note that we at Clover Internal Medicine Associates are neither advocating nor intending that CBD use can be utilized to cure or treat diseases or illnesses. As a disclaimer, we at Clover Internal Medicine Associates will continue to stress and advocate that the use of CBD...
The modern comprehensive physical Is more than you think. Many doctors offer physicals in which blood work and a physical exam is performed, however, at Clover Internal Medicine Associates, a physical will consist of more components. Expect to be in the office for 1-2 hours. How often can you have...
Reduce Your Chances of a Sinus Infection With Allergy Treatments Are you someone who gets sinus infections every year or even several times a year? Are you constantly having to take antibiotics when you get a sinus infection? You may be a good candidate for allergy testing. In the medical...
Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Actually a Medical Condition? With a global pandemic and a national election, 2020 has been a challenge for many people. These events have affected patients’ health and well being. According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic fatigue is a medical diagnosis that consists of symptoms including the...
1. Always keep an updated list of medications, dose, and frequency with you. 2. Bring your logs: blood pressure, heart rate, glucose, etc. 3. Bring a notepad to write down notes discussed with your doctors and specialists. 4. All insurances provide a drug formulary which can help the doctor find...